Stand-Up Freezer Or Chest Freezer: Which Do You Want?

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I love to change up my home every chance I get. But after awhile, I run out of ideas on how to redecorate my house. One of my best friends suggested that I look for new appliances for my kitchen. My kitchen did look a little lifeless at the time and really needed an upgrade. So, after shopping and browsing through many appliance stores online, I narrowed it down to my absolute favorites. I loved the stores so much that I developed this blog. You'll find information and tips on where to find refrigerators, ovens, microwaves, and much more. So, if you're ready to get shopping, please keep reading. Thank you for stopping by and happy appliance shopping!


Stand-Up Freezer Or Chest Freezer: Which Do You Want?

11 January 2022
 Categories: , Blog

The difference between a stand-up freezer and a chest freezer is this: a stand-up freezer operates like a traditional refrigerator does and stands vertically. A chest freezer is horizontal in its design and opens with a door on top, just like a chest does. Which option is right for your needs comes down to a few things, which you can compare here. Buy your stand-up freezers and other freezer options at your local appliance store.

How much space do you need?

If you want to put a freezer in the garage or in the basement so you have extra room to store excess meats, snacks, and other freezer goods, then a chest freezer can be ideal. Cubic feet is what you're paying attention to when buying a chest freezer, and the larger and deeper the unit is, the more cubic feet it will have for storage.

A stand-up freezer will take up as much space as a traditional refrigerator, and possibly more if you buy a larger model. If you need a second freezer in your main living area and have room for one, stand-up freezers are the way to go.

How much organization do you need?

You'll find more direct storage compartments and shelving units in stand-up freezers. However, chest freezers have storage compartments and sections as well, in the form of baskets and smaller compartment spaces. As a bonus, some chest freezers feature glass doors that slide or open up similar to commercial chest freezers so you can view the items within the unit before making a selection.

How much ease of use do you need?

If you just want to reach into the freezer and grab something you need, stand-up freezers have you covered. With chest freezers, items are often stacked one on top of the other so you have to not only bend into the unit, you have to shift things around to locate what you want. You'll keep items equally cold in either unit, however, so if ease of use is not a priority, either option can be beneficial.

If you have a smaller budget, you might find a chest freezer to be more cost-effective. However, stand-up freezers can be affordable as well and provide you with many options if you don't have a lot of money to spend.

Contact a company like Appliance Outlet LLC to learn more about your options for stand-up freezers.