About Me
Renovating Your Home? Find Your Appliance Ideas Here

I love to change up my home every chance I get. But after awhile, I run out of ideas on how to redecorate my house. One of my best friends suggested that I look for new appliances for my kitchen. My kitchen did look a little lifeless at the time and really needed an upgrade. So, after shopping and browsing through many appliance stores online, I narrowed it down to my absolute favorites. I loved the stores so much that I developed this blog. You'll find information and tips on where to find refrigerators, ovens, microwaves, and much more. So, if you're ready to get shopping, please keep reading. Thank you for stopping by and happy appliance shopping!


Stand-Up Freezer Or Chest Freezer: Which Do You Want?

11 January 2022
 Categories: , Blog

The difference between a stand-up freezer and a chest freezer is this: a stand-up freezer operates like a traditional refrigerator does and stands vertically. A chest freezer is horizontal in its design and opens with a door on top, just like a chest does. Which option is right for your needs comes down to a few things, which you can compare here. Buy your stand-up freezers and other freezer options at your local appliance store. Read More …